I have this my senior in Junior High. She is very blind for us her junior. Cause that time (even until now) she was very bery smart, and actived in organizations. And the special one inside her beautiful face there is a very beautiful voice. I remember that time when we were preparing for Tujuh Belasan in our school and she was like checking the sound of the mic and she wasnt checking it just by counting but she also sang a song with her nice voice. And we were very surprising and suddenly forgot about what we did that time, hehe...
Now, we are meeting again after a long time separation. Never meet directly actually, but thanks to the social media, we are making a communication by them, yeah.. FB, BBM. She is still that beautiful and A plus for her because she has a nice style in her outfit. Not like the other girls in hijab. She can performs this kinda style very simple and elegan. So that we just can imitate it so easily.
So im looking for her permission to posting her style on this blog, cause i cant help my self not to publish it. hehehe..check this out!!

See..??? Hehe..I dunno bout you but for me she looks stunning on every outfit that she wears. Simpel yet elegan. Not freak and complicated like the others "HIJABER" wear *ups no need to take a personal*. She obviously looks like an active career woman that I dream for, hhe.. >< Kawaiii nee..
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